Winter is a time of wonder for the children! New seasonal activities and materials appear and are enjoyed. During the Winter/Spring term we continue to maximise our use of the garden. When the snow comes, we love to make snowmen and igloos before coming indoors to warm our hands and feet by the fireguards! We offer the children a warm drink with their snack at this time of year.

The last half of the Autumn term is dedicated to our preparations for Christmas. We hold a Christmas market to raise money for children's charities which we support regularly throughout the year. The children make many beautiful little decorations and act as shopkeepers for the market, with the parents being customers.

We offer parents the opportunity to participate in Christmas craft workshops and learn how to make lovely wreaths, cards, decorations and Christmas stars for the market. 

Our final joy is our traditional Nativity play, which is a celebration of the Christmas story in song, with carols and verse.